Two years ago, I took on the wonderful, but time consuming task of directing our school's Spring Musical. These are middle school kids very few with an interest in doing serious theater in the future. So, rehearsal time needs to be very efficient and focused or it turns into chaos. And, believe it or not, I am also the Yearbook Adviser and our Yearbook goes to the printer 1 week before the Musical Show. The more production I can get out of each rehearsal, the fewer rehearsals needed!

Last year, I recorded our rehearsals when choreography was taught and the students were expected to review the videos later and continue to practice. This year, I had epiphany. Why not flip the rehearsals? This year, I am appointing a small team of Dance Leaders. I will teach the choreo to this small group and record them doing the number. Then, cast members will be expected to watch the videos prior to rehearsals so they have an idea of what the choreo will be.
I was going to put one of the videos here as an example, but my top notch choreographer copyrights her material and doesn't want it pilfered from YouTube. I respect that. So, I just put up photos of last year's cast (mainly because I'm super proud of them) and am looking forward to this years show!
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